Lara Larissa Gencer
Lara Larissa Gencer

About Me

Hello and welcome,

my name is Lara Larissa Gençer, I am 37 years old and married to my Turkish husband
Oytun since September 2021.

We have two sons and three daughters between the ages of 3 and 17 and live mainly on the tropical island Koh Phangan in Thailand and on the Aegean coast in Turkey.

Our common main language is English, but of course I still speak German with my children and a little more Turkish every day with my husband and his son.

My life has always taken unexpected turns since I left Germany in the summer of 2015 and the most special experiences since then include the unassisted sea birth of my second daughter in the Thai Gulf in 2016, the unassisted homebirth of my third daughter in Cyprus in 2018, the accompanying development and management of my Online work as a midwife, the magic of distant countries, the precious time with all the children and of course meeting my husband in 2020.

Despite all the beauty of a life away from convention, it was sometimes very difficult to go my own way, not to let other opinions and public pressure unsettle me, and to always find my way back to myself and my values.

I have experienced in a deeply painful way how much it takes revenge to follow your concerns and not your inner voice, which is why it is important to me to protect women and their children from the potentially massive emotional pressure in pregnancy, during childbirth and the psychological post-breakup torture.

I wish that mums trust themselves, let themselves be guided by their intuition and not by their fears and feel the inner certainty that they are the most competent persons for their children.

Having had four very different births and because of my experience as a midwife, I also know that what really matters is not where our babies are born, but how comfortable and secure we feel in ourselves and in simple connection with the children during the birthing journey.

With our bodies, we women are the real birthplace of our babys and can of course also have a lifelong strenghtening birth experience in a hospital or during a caesarean section.

I wish that especially women who were traumatized after giving birth or a separation, will understand the unbelievable pain they were willing to take on for their children and how strong they really are.

 How nice that you found your way here!
